Sunday, November 28, 2010

november 28, 2010

i made $120.00 this weekend by selling off stuff from inside our house! making room and raising money for ben!

i've got to put up one of those chip-ins, but i'm afraid to. if i put it in and the total never rises... what a colossal failure that would be! hahahaha!!

thought about "monetizing" this blog, too. asking people to click on the adverts... but google really wants a lot of info and permission to exploit both blogs... i just can't bring myself to do it.

applied for about 50 jobs over the summer, but no luck. applied for two jobs today and two last week. i feel confident that something will open up eventually.

wish i had more photos of ning yuan to post...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

meet benjamin

we have started this public blog in an attempt to raise a bit of cash to help defray some of the costs of our fourth and final adoption. our son, Ning Yuan, soon to be Benjamin, is waiting for us in china.

this will also be our travel blog so friends and family can follow along with us when we go and meet our fabulous little boy!!

we have requested an updated photo and information, but some orphanages are not forthcoming and so far there has been no response.

we are not quite sure what english-type name we will give to ning yuan once he is home, but for now we are calling him benjamin agosto ning yuan bush-resko. :) his name is bigger than he is.

i am thinking about adding a "chip in" gadget to this site. we are also selling just about everything in the house to try to raise a bit of cash to pay the remaining adoption expenses. life is challenging enough without having to live in an orphanage, live without a family, live without emotional support and love.

well, we are that family and he is our son. we might not have packs of cash lying around, but we can meet our daily living expenses without trouble, our children (who are home) are healthy, loved, well cared for, well fed, clothed and educated. these expenses will not stop us.

we are going to be bringing benjamin home. come hell or high water, he is coming home. thanks for following along.