Monday, May 2, 2011

I-800 PreApproval!!

a most amazing day for many reasons, one of which is that today in the mailbox i found our I-800  PreApproval!!!  this was not expected for TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!  we are shocked and amazed and really REALLY happy!!!!  this moves up our travel date by two weeks, but also means that we have two fewer weeks to acquire our last monies!  no stress there!!!  :)

so please consider a donation to our "chipin", which can be found by scrolling through the posts below or going here:  ChipIn for Ben

also remember our SALE FOR BEN which can be found on the previous blog entry.  thanks so much for all the unwavering support!!!  we love you all!!!!!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I just saw the tutus.they are precious!! love them