Tuesday, July 12, 2011

july 12, 2011

i am proud to report that today is the first day since we arrived in china that i did not sweat like a fat, filthy whore.  :)  lovely.  tmi?

yuan yuan is sick - he's got some sort of virus or stomach bug.  he's had a low grade fever and been vomiting since yesterday.  we have been pretty worried because he hasn't been eating or drinking.  but, today he drank almost 2 bottles and some pedialyte, had good wet diapers and has more energy than he did yesterday.  seems like yuan yuan is feeling a bit better today.

some photos of our breakfasts at the white swan hotel...

yummy AND beautiful!!!

and, again, yummy AND beautiful!!  :)

1 comment:

Trish said...

I remember those White Swan mornings. Love the pics of your little man. I hope he is feeling better. Izzy sends hugs from FL.